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Practical support of local, regional and national governments during the development and implementation of policy that contributes towards sustainable development, for example by assisting the development of policy and management plans, communication and information campaigns and public participation. Abroad, this tends to take the form of support in aligning regulations with EU directives, implementation of policy at the local level and monitoring and compliance of regulations.


Assisting companies and private organisations to achieve sustainable development, for example by stimulating local initiatives to make a positive contribution to the living environment in countries in transition, advocating the sustainable embedding of technology in the field of waste, water or energy and contributing to sustainable initiatives in upcoming markets.


Strengthening organisations through training and the transfer of knowledge and experience, for example by organising interactive workshops for participation and communication; training-of-trainers programmes and offering long-term support of local (civil society) organisations in countries in transition during the identifying and implementation of projects that contribute to the living environment.


Improving communication and cooperation between parties with conflicting interests, for example between governments and civil society organisations during the development of environmental policy with contributions from the public sector and in particular, minorities, or between neighbouring countries in the framework of integrated water management.

Our team has extensive experience in the following areas:

Ameco Initiatives

All content on this site © 2019 Ameco Utrecht Netherlands

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